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I hope you'll find our Classroom Connection helpful!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Indirect Objects and Pattern 3

To find an indirect object, ask "Who received the [direct object]?" Watch this video to gain a better understanding of indirect objects and classifying Pattern 3 sentences.

*The materials and the classifying process belong to the Shurley English Method. This video is intended to help parents provide instructional support to their students.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Classifying Pattern 2 Sentences Tutorial

The following video is a quick tutorial on the question and answer process that students should go through when classifying sentences that follow Pattern 2. At this point, it is helpful to find the subject noun (SN) first, by asking, "Who or what [did the verb]?". Then, find the verb (V) by asking, "What did [the subject noun] do?" To determine if there is a direct object (DO), ask, "What received the action of the verb?" Next, find any prepositions (P) and the objects of the prepositions (OP). When these four steps are completed, the remainder of the words should be fairly easy to classify-- adjectives (Adj.), adverbs (Adv.), possessive noun adjectives (PNA), possessive pronoun adjectives (PPA), interjections (I), or article adjectives (A).

*The materials and the classifying process belong to the Shurley English Method. This video is intended to help parents provide instructional support to their students.

Saturday, January 21, 2012